My 20 Hour Spotify Workout Playlist.

I hand curated a 20 hour Spotify playlist for when I coach my three CrossFit Classes on Monday nights and wanted to share it out for you to enjoy!

You will find many female legends including Gaga, Rihanna and Brittany along with some classics like “It’s Raining Men” (usually what’s happening at United Barbell and “I’m So Excited” (my favorite song from 4th Grade which is about the time I knew I realized I was gay). The playlist is meant to be fun, upbeat and full of rainbows. It’s completely versatile both in and out of the gym for your listening pleasure:.

I’m always open to suggestions and have added songs across the spectrum when requested and when inspired at events. The most recent additions include: Despacito (by request of one of my CrossFit regulars Maria) and Mundian To Bach Ke (after celebrating at my friend Sonia’s Indian wedding). Look out for Taylor Swift now that she’s available on Spotify as requested by one of my other CrossFit regulars Davis!


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